Average Speed Management

Making our roads safe through vehicle speed management.

  • Average Speed Management

    In 2013, there were over 3,000 people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road accidents where speed was a contributing factor*. Travelling above the legal speed limit dramatically reduces a driver’s chance of stopping if something unexpected happens.

    In order to reduce the number of KSIs, the UK Government has set out to undertake all necessary measures, including the use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras to aid speed enforcement.  

    3M offer a Home Office Type Approved (HOTA), cost effective Average Speed Camera System, with the aim of reducing speed on the UK road network to protect road users. The 3M Average Speed Camera System is suitable for average speed enforcement on motorways, urban speed enforcement in town and city centres and local short distance speed enforcement outside schools and residential areas and at roadworks.

    *Based on research undertaken by THINK! : http://think.direct.gov.uk/speed.html

Why choose Average Speed Enforcement?

  • There are a number of reasons why average speed enforcement is beneficial in helping reduce road casualties and improving traffic flow;


    Safer than spot speed systems
    Safety campaigners from all over the world claim that spot speed cameras cause heavy breaking and sudden acceleration, leading to accidents and serious injuries. The 3M Average Speed Camera System eliminates the hazards caused by spot speed cameras, while still maintaining traffic flow. Through correct signage, drivers know that they are approaching an average speed enforcement zone and they are able to adjust their speed accordingly and safely.


    Safer at roadworks
    Research conducted by the Transport Research Laboratory* on the benefits of using average speed enforcement at overnight road works showed a saving of £2.37 million per year in the costs associated with road worker injury and fatality. Average speed solutions at road works have been proven to modify driver behaviour, leading to a reduction in the average speed of vehicles travelling through road works and driving at more consistent speeds leading to a more reliable journey.


    Safer for communities
    The 3M Average Speed Camera System is enforceable

Product Information

  • 3M Average Speed Camera System

    3M Average Speed Camera System

    3M offers a UK Home Office Type Approved (HOTA) Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) average speed enforcement system. This easy to install, cost effective solution can be used to enforce speeds over a vast range of distances, from as little as 100 metres such as outside schools and work zones, to across the whole road network including city centres and motorways. It provides secure, reliable, accurate and verifiable evidence of speeding violations at multiple locations.

    The 3M™ Average Speed Camera System utilises dual camera (IR and colour): 3M High Resolution ANPR Cameras. Violations can be enforced between 30 and 220 km/h. The 3M Average Speed Camera System computes the average speed of every vehicle detected at every site and compares this with the enforcement speed. A combined record is generated for each violation. The record comprises of the camera site-IDs, enforcement link details, measured speed and time of violation, as well as the previous images. The entire violation record is then authenticated and encrypted as a whole and can be written to a CD.

    Average Speed Camera System Brochure
    Product Data Sheet
    Case Study

View our products

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    Temporary Signing

    Just because a sign is temporary that does not mean that brightness and quality don't matter. In fact, it's arguable that the visibility and impact of temporary signing matters most, particularly as it helps drivers negotiate new and potentially hazardous routes. That's why it makes sense to specify 3M reflective sheeting, because our products are proven to be best-in-class for reflectivity, brightness and visibility.

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    Permanent Signing

    When it comes to creating the perfect sign, we believe we've thought of everything… how well the sign performs, how easy it is to make and maintain and how to limit the environmental impact of our production methods. By bringing technological innovation to every aspect of our business, we can offer products and components that guarantee the best performance, the greatest return on your investment and the kindest option for the planet.

  • Photo showing 3M Average Speed Camera System
    3M Average Speed Camera System

    This easy to install, cost effective solution can be used to enforce speeds over a vast range of distances, from as little as 100 metres such as outside schools and work zones, to across the whole road network including city centres and motorways.

    It provides secure, reliable, accurate and verifiable evidence of speeding violations at multiple locations.